New Client Details Form


The ATO defines a spouse as another person (of any sex) who you are in a relationship with that is registered under a prescribed state or territory law, or although not legally married to you, lives with you on a genuine domestic basis in a relationship as a couple.
A dependent child is your child who is under 21 years old, or 21 to 24 years old and a full-time student at a school, college or university. The child must be an Australian resident and you must have contributed to their maintenance.



We use this estimate to work out whether you are entitled to certain tax offsets and rebates.

RELATED ENTITIES (if applicable)

Please upload a copy of the company's Register of Officers or other ASIC documents showing details of the Company Directors

You need a director identification number (director ID) if you're a director of a company.

You can apply here:  Apply for your director ID | Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS)

Please upload a copy of the Trust Deed and any other relevant documents showing details of Trustee/s and Beneficiaries
Please upload a copy of the Partnership Contract and/or any other relevant documents showing details of the partners
Please upload a copy of any relevant documents showing details of the parties involved in the entity

Just out of interest...

Go the BRONCOS!!  


* You can unsubscribe at any time
We may need to contact your previous accountant for information they hold (eg. depreciation schedules, trust deeds, company registers)

Please enter your bank account details.  This is the account your tax refund will be paid into, if applicable.


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No photo ID will be retained on file by Intrinsic Accounting. This is required to confirm the above details to meet the Tax Practitioner's Board (TPB) Proof of Identity (POI) requirements prior to acting on your behalf.